VCSC header, Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission, round logo with image of lady justice
Training Graphic


Changes to Sentencing Guidelines Effective for Anyone Sentenced July 1, 2024 and After

What's New (Video on 2024 Changes)



Introduction to Sentencing Guidelines ($125) Approved for 6 CLE and VIDC Re-certification

Learn to Score Guidelines Accurately Approved for 6 CLE credits The Introduction Seminars are designed for the attorney or criminal justice professional who is new to Virginia's sentencing guidelines. The seminar will begin with general background information on scoring each of the guidelines factors. Participants will be given the opportunity to do hands-on exercises utilizing the assistance of fellow participants and course instructors. Download registration form below and make check payable to Treasurer of Virginia.


Focus on Probation Violations Sentencing Guidelines Only ($60) Approved for 3 CLE and VIDC Re-certification

The probation violation seminar is designed for the attorney or criminal justice professional who is interested in learning more about the probation violation guidelines. The seminar will begin with general background information and progress to detailed information on scoring each of the guidelines factors. This seminar will address changes to §§ 19.2-306 and 19.2-306.1.

Download Registration Form

Click here to Register Online on our Mobile website

Fees waived for Commonwealth's Attorneys, Public Defenders, Probation and Parole Staff

On a limited basis and subject to the availability of funds, the Sentencing Commission may waive fees for private attorneys. If you would like to request a fee waiver, you must complete and submit the application below. Applications for fee waivers will be evaluated based on the percentage of the attorney's practice focusing on indigent defense cases and the financial need of the applicant (especially for new or solo practitioners).

Esther J. Windmueller Fee Waiver Application Form

The 25th Edition Sentencing Guidelines Manual is required for all seminars.


Sentencing Guidelines Seminars 2025
Approved for 6 CLE Credit

introduction to sentencing guidelines seminars $125
6 CLE Approved VIDC Re-certification approved





Fairfax January 30 Fairfax County Government Center 9:30 - 5:00
Richmond February 27 Richmond Probation and Parole 9:30 - 5:00
Virginia Beach March 26 EMS Training Center 9:00 - 4:00
Richmond April 1 Richmond Police Training Academy 9:30 - 5:00
Abingdon April 8 SWVA Higher Education Center 9:30 - 5:00
Radford April 10 Radford Recreation Center 9:30 - 5:00
Fairfax April 15 Fairfax County Government Center 9:30 - 5:00
Abingdon September 11 SWVA Higher Education Center 9:30 - 5:00
Winchester September 23 Frederick County Public Safety Builing 9:30 - 5:00
Williamsburg October 7 James City Law Enf. Training Ctr 9:30 - 5:00
Fairfax December 4 Fairfax County Government Center 9:30 - 5:00
Roanoke December 9 Roanoke Higher Education Center 9:30 - 5:00

FoCUS ON Probation VIOLATION guidelines only $60
3 CLE Approved VIDC Re-certification approved





Richmond February 28 Richmond Probation and Parole FULL
Virginia Beach March 27 EMS Training Center 9:00 -12:00
Richmond April 2 Richmond Police Training Academy 9:00 -12:00
Abingdon April 9 SWVA Higher Education Center 9:00 - 12:00
Radford April 11 Radford Recreation Center 9:00 - 12:00
Fairfax April 16 Fairfax County Government Center 9:00 -12:00
Abingdon September 12 SWVA Higher Education Center 9:00 -12:00
Winchester September 24 Frederick County Public Safety Builing 9:00 -12:00
Williamsburg October 8 James City Law Enf. Training Ctr 9:00 -12:00
Fairfax December 5 Fairfax County Government Center 9:00 -12:00
Roanoke December 10 Roanoke Higher Education Center 9:00 -12:00
The documents listed below are in .pdf and .pdf Fill-In format.
Viewing or printing a .pdf document requires the free Acrobat Reader.

Sentencing Guidelines Manual
Shipping and tax included

  • Introduction to Sentencing Guidelines Seminar — $125
  • focus on probation violation Guidelines only — $60
  • Update from any edition to 27th edition— $60
  • Complete manual (27th Ed.) (binder, tabs, and complete update) — $160


Click here to Register Online on our Mobile website

Commonwealth Attorneys, Public Defenders and Probation Officers: No Cost

Download the Manual Order Form
(.pdf document, requires Acrobat Reader

Request for Probation Violations - Pre -2021

The Sentencing Commission has received a number of requests for copies of the Probation Violation Guidelines that were in effect prior to July 1, 2021, for use in certain revocation hearings. Please note that, per Commission policy, the Guidelines in effect at the time of the revocation hearing should be prepared and reviewed by the court. The Probation Violation Guidelines currently in effect were recommended by the Commission in 2020 and accepted by the 2021 General Assembly.

The Commission is aware that different interpretations of § 19.2-306.1, related to sentencing for technical violations of probation, have emerged in the courts. The Commission is also aware of the recent Virginia Court of Appeals decision in Green v. Commonwealth. Differences as to statutory interpretation are a separate issue from the applicability of the Probation Violation Guidelines.

The new Probation Violation Guidelines, effective July 1, 2021, were developed based on a comprehensive analysis of sentencing outcomes in recent revocation cases and were designed to provide judges with a recommendation reflective of the typical outcome in similar cases. Due to the General Assembly’s enactment of § 19.2-306.1, the Commission adjusted the Probation Violation Guidelines to ensure they are compatible with the new law. The historically-based Guidelines were modified so they will not recommend more incarceration time than that specified in § 19.2-306.1 for first or second technical violations (see Probation Violations Guidelines Worksheet TV1/2). Worksheet TV3, however, was not adjusted in any way and it recommends sentences for technical violations that are based solely on analysis of recent sentencing practices in revocation cases.

Therefore, if a judge wishes to review Probation Violation Guidelines that have not been adjusted based on § 19.2-306.1, the judge may request that Worksheet TV3 be prepared.

The probation violation worksheets and SWIFT have been modified to allow preparers, at the request of the judge, to complete the TV3 worksheet for any first or second technical violation. To bypass the requirements of § 19.2-306.1, prepares must check 1st or 2nd technical violation and the 3rd + or TV* box. Checking the 3rd+ or TV* box will allow the users to complete the historically-based guidelines as requested by the judge.


Significant Changes to Virginia’s Sentencing Guidelines
Effective July 1, 2021

CLICK HERE for the official newsletter of the Virginia Criminal Sentencing Commission

NEW Probation Violation Guidelines

Probation Legislation Summary

Higher Rates of Earned Sentence Credits for Nonviolent Felons

Sentencing Guidelines Case Details Worksheet

Try our Mobile Site

CLICK here to Register for Seminars on our Mobile website

CLICK here for What's New in the 2020/2021 Guidelines Video

What's New Seminar Video

The focus of the seminar will be on the impact of
recent legislation on Sentencing Guidelines and Virginia’s penalty structures, the incorporation of statutory requirements into the revised Probation Violation Guidelines and instructions on completing the required Case Details Worksheet. This seminar is designed for those familiar with Virginia’s Sentencing Guidelines.


Password for video Sentencing2021

Click video in the lower right corner (Sentencing Comm)


The Commission has a Training Division headed by Jody Fridley. He and his staff are available to conduct training seminars at our office in Richmond or on location.

Seminars can cover everything from a basic overview of the sentencing guidelines to specific areas of interest or concern.

Contact the Training Division by phone at 804.225.4567 or by e-mail:

Text your question to the Commission

Text us at 804.393.9588

The Commission is very pleased to announce our new text inquiry service. This development means that you can contact us from anywhere - just text 804.393.9588 and we'll reply as soon as possible. For an immediate answer, always call the hotline at 804.225.4398.

The text inquiry service will be available for the same period as our hotline service 7:45 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday. You can send us texts outside of these hours and we will respond as soon as possible. In some cases, it may be the next business day.